About Green Reconciliation

The Green Reconciliation Institute is a Canada-based Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) firm.

We, at Green Reconciliation Institute, are here to Help you deal with your conflicts in a non-positional and oppositional way.

Four key facts about conflicts:

  • Conflicts are one of the most obvious realities of human relationships, not matter the contexts.
  • Conflicts are neutral: they are fundamentally neither negative nor positive; what matters is how we deal with them.
  • In conflict situations, people are not always at the best to appropriately respond.
  • When faced with conflicts people tend to primarily respond through the 4Fs (Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn) mechanisms.

Taking into account those facts about conflicts, we, at Green Reconciliation Institute, use interest-based and clients-centered approaches to guide and help our clients address their conflicts in a more collaborative and constructive way.

Welcome to the Green Reconciliation Institute

We are here to help you address conflicts through Mediation, Coaching, Restorative practices, and Group intervention.


Our Values


Confidentiality is a key principle that guide all interactions with our clients. Information shared by parties before, during and after Coaching, Mediation, Group intervention and Restorative practices sessions are kept confidential.

Objectivity and neutrality

We acknowledge that true reconciliation and peace only begins when people detach themselves from emotions and see life with objectivity and neutrality. In this regard, all our professionals’ activities are guided by a strong sense of neutrality and impartiality.


We believe that the fulfillment of individual and community life can only come from deep respect among members. Such principle of mutual respect guides all our activities.


We believe that nobody can be forced to seek solutions to their conflict. Our services are therefore available and open to all those who willing to be accompanied in their conflict resolution efforts, as well as those who want to learn how to deal with conflicts

Real and Fair Justice for all

We use conflict resolution mechanisms that secure co-management of conflicts, co-building of solutions and real justice for all.


We believe that people should not go bankrupt while try to resolve their conflicts. That is why we offer very affordable services.